Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Aquapocalypse, or boiling water isn't so bad

A few days with the boil water order brought a surge of memories from the days at Casa de las Rosas on Los Tulipanes street in San Antonio Tlayacapan. 44 kilometers from the metropolis of Guadalajara this sleepy village had a year-round non-potable water issue. But this was life in San Antonio - every morning the village had the water turned on to fill the rooftop tinaco (see the black tank in the upper right at picture above) with non-potable water for bathing and laundry. Once a week we would run out to catch the agua truck and grab a few 5-gallon bottles for drinking and cooking.

With the lobster pot at a rolling boil in Stoneham, my mind was transported to Central Mexico and the daily chore of working with two different kinds of water. But my Stoneham residence is missing an avocado tree, and we don't have Marta's piping hot tortilla service down the street so I'm happy to have the order lifted and potable water running through my faucets again! How did you fair in the great "Aquapocalypse" of 2010?


Kim said...

I live in NH; therefore, was not affected by the boil water order; however, having lived in the Mediterranean for 3 years, I can fully appreciate your central Mexico water routine. White laundry was yellow after only a few washes due to the amount of limestone in the water and DO NOT DRINK THE WATER unless you need a complete cleaning out!

Ien in the Kootenays said...

I liked your memories of 2 kinds of water. We are on a shallow well, and have our own water issues. I rather enjoy being responsible for my own infra structure. Sign me, 1st generation hippie, :)