Sunday, July 18, 2010

Meal Plan for Week of July 18th

It is hot, who really wants to cook in this weather? ME, ME!!

Saturday (last) night we came home from the water park and were somehow energized to make an amazing dinner that most local restaurants could never compete with. It went like this:
- fresh mango margaritas
- sweet potato fries with cilantro garlic aiello
- plantain-bean veggie burger (the SO had a traditional frozen beef burger)

Here's what is on the menu for this week:

Breakfast: Mango Yogurt Smoothie
Lunch: Mediterranean Antipasto Salad (tuna for the SO, no tuna for me)
Dinner: Ravioli from the farmers market

Breakfast: Bagel from farmers market
Lunch: Leftover Veggie Burger patty from Saturday night
Dinner: Corn Chowder

Breakfast: Cream of Buckwheat Kasha with shredded cheese
Lunch: Risotto on a bed of salad greens
Dinner: Ravioli from the farmers market

Breakfast: Breakfast smoothie
Lunch: Leftover chowder
Dinner: BrokeAss Gourmet's Tomato Tart

Friday I am leaving open to whatever fun things come in Thursday's box of treats, aka the CSA share.

Depending on my workload here are the desserts I am planning to work into this week's cooking:
Watermelon Yogurt Ice
Key Lime Pies

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